
Resolution on Kentucky Merger and Constitutional Amendment

WHEREAS, the Joint Executive Board of SEIU Local 32BJ (“32BJ” or “Union”) has determined that it is desirable to unify and strengthen our membership in the Southern region by merging the Kentucky Chapters of the NCFO District directly into 32BJ; and 

WHEREAS, the Joint Executive Board has further determined that in order to give the Committee on Elections additional time to perform its critical role in 32BJ’s internal officer elections, the Joint Executive Board should have the authority to call for the election of Committee members as early as 175 days prior to the date of the officer elections, instead of the current 90 days; and 

WHEREAS, the 32BJ Constitution and Bylaws must be amended to give the Executive Board such authority and such amendment must be approved by the SEIU; and 

NOW, THEREFORE, the Joint Executive Board hereby resolves to approve the proposed merger of the Kentucky Chapters into 32BJ, and the proposed amendment of the Constitution and Bylaws (subject to approval by the SEIU) set forth below, and to submit the proposed merger and amendment to the General Membership meeting for a vote, to be voted on together, along with the recommendation of the Joint Executive Board that these actions be approved and adopted.

Article VII


Section 5.

(a) Regular elections shall be held under the supervision of a Committee on Elections, which shall elect its Chairperson. The Committee shall consist of one (1) member who shall not hold office or employment in the Local Union from each District elected at the District meetings held not earlier than one-hundred seventy-five (175) calendar days or later than thirty (30) calendar days before the election, except that the New York Metro District shall elect eight (8) members, provided, however, that where the Joint Executive Board has determined that a pandemic or similar crisis substantially disrupts normal operations, the Joint Executive Board may adopt an alternative process for the selection of Committee on Elections. Members of the Committee on Elections shall not be candidates for office in the election. The Joint Executive Board shall establish the date or dates of the District meetings at which the Committee on Elections shall be elected.  

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