Vetoing Prevailing Wage Provision in the Economic Opportunity Bill, Slap in the Face of Working New Jerseyans

Vetoing Prevailing Wage Provision in the Economic Opportunity Bill, Slap in the Face of Working New Jerseyans

The following statement on Gov. Christie’s veto of the prevailing wage provision of the Economic Opportunity Bill (A3680) should be attributed:

“Vetoing the prevailing wage provision in the Economic Opportunity Act is a slap in the face of  the nearly 400,000 working New Jerseyans on food stamps who desperately need family-sustaining jobs,” said Kevin Brown, New Jersey State Director of 32BJ SEIU. “Recent fast food strikes around the country demonstrate that workers are fed up with low-wage jobs.  Prevailing Wage ensures that workers have the kind of jobs that help create family-sustain middle class jobs.”

“Everyone can agree that New Jersey’s public resources should be directed toward expanding opportunity, growing the economy, strengthening communities and empowering families. The question is: why is Governor Christie against a provision created to accomplish all of these?

With more than 145,000 members, including 9,000 in New Jersey, 32BJ is the largest property services union in the country.


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