Two Window Cleaners to Speak about Their Rescue at the World Trade Center

Two Window Cleaners to Speak about Their Rescue at the World Trade Center

WHO: Juan Lizama, Juan Lopez and 32BJ executives who can speak to training and safety programs


WHEN: Friday November 14, 2014. At 10 a.m.


WHAT: A press conference followed by a question and answer session with the two window cleaners who were rescued from One World Trade Center on Wednesday.


WHERE: 32BJ offices at 25 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011, 5th floor


WHY:  On Wednesday, November 12 New Yorkers watched with bated breath as two window cleaners, 32BJ members Juan Lizama and Juan Lopez, were rescued at One World Trade Center. Both men were safely returned home to their families thanks to a rescue effort led by FDNY and because they went through a rigorous 18-month training and safety program. They will speak about their experience during the rescue.



32BJ SEIU represents 70,000 building service workers including about 600 window cleaners in New York City.

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