‘Tension is Building’ in Contract Negotiations For 20K NYC Cleaners as Dec. 31 Deadline Looms

Simon Davis-Cohen


(917) 374-1358

‘Tension is Building’ in Contract Negotiations For 20K NYC Cleaners as Dec. 31 Deadline Looms

As Many Take Time Off For the Holidays, The Essential Workers Who Are the Backbones of NYC Real Estate Make Final Preparations for a Potential Strike

Core issues unresolved after two bargaining sessions following strike authorization vote.

Five days until possible industry strike.

New York, NY – Tension is building in negotiations between the 32BJ SEIU bargaining committee representing 20,000 essential NYC cleaners and the Realty Advisory Board on Labor Relations (RAB) after the RAB reiterated proposals calling for attacks on benefits, a second class two tier workforce, and diminished labor protections on 12/21 and 12/22. These are all strike issues.

The 32BJ cleaners who sacrificed and put their lives on the line during the pandemic continue their strike preparations ahead of the December 31 expiration date.

On December 20, 10,000 32BJ members rallied on 6th Ave. and voted to authorize their bargaining committee to call a strike. Also last week, hundreds of workers mobilized daily for practice picket actions outside their workplaces at 200 Park Ave., 200 Liberty St., 620 8th Ave., 11 West 42nd St., Rockefeller Center, Moynihan Train Hall, 277 Park Ave., Empire State Building, 1633 Broadway, 51 Madison Ave., 3 World Trade Center, 388 Greenwich St., 199 Water St., 1111 6th Ave., 55 Hudson Yards, 405 East 42nd St., 245 Park Ave., 330 Madison Ave., 1095 6th Ave., 1 Park Ave., 1 New York Plaza.

“As many take time off for the holidays, the essential workers who are the backbone of NYC real estate are making final preparations for a potential strike,” said 32BJ President Manny Pastreich. “We have three additional bargaining dates scheduled. Our goal is to get a strong agreement, but our members will be ready to strike if necessary. 10,000 members marched up midtown to send a clear message to the industry that they are ready to strike if an agreement is not reached that recognizes their essential role in the industry and which allows them to live with dignity and support their families. Time is running out for the RAB to make a deal. Our members are ready to strike if it comes to that. Across the city, everyday, members at different buildings are rallying outside buildings to demonstrate their readiness.”

Upcoming Dates
December 26 – building meetings
December 27 – all day bargaining Hilton Hotel (1335 Avenue of the Americas)
December 28 – two 3:00PM marches (Bryant Park + Zuccotti Park)
December 29 – pop-up practice picket actions
December 29 – all day bargaining (Hilton)
December 30 – all day bargaining (Hilton)

Media Availability
32BJ cleaners and executives are available for interview upon request.

The industry has already eliminated 2,000 positions to account for increased office vacancies, indicating cuts have already been made to reflect the pandemic’s impacts.

Negotiations between 32BJ SEIU and RAB launched on November 9, when the 32BJ bargaining committee proposed fair wage increases, pension improvements, the maintenance of existing quality affordable health insurance, and extended recall rights for laid off members.

The changes proposed by the RAB would upend essential workers’ lives, making life untenable for thousands of working class families in the city.

The RAB proposals now include:

  • Making members pay for their life-saving health insurance (healthcare premium sharing).
  • A permanent second tier workforce that would lock in substandard wages and benefits for new hires.
  • Unnecessary cuts to labor protections and fairness in the workplace that ignore how the existing contract already allows for reduction in the workforce when vacancies increase, as has been demonstrated over the last three years.
  • Cuts to vacation.
  • Eliminating overtime wages after 8 hours.

At the December 20 rally, 10,000 cleaners were joined by leading elected officials and top labor leaders including U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Attorney General Letitia James, Mayor Eric Adams, NYC Comptroller Brad Lander, President of the New York City Central Labor Council Vinnie Alvarez, Executive Director of UAW Region 9A Brandon Mancilla, among others.

To view the 12/20 live stream click here: https://www.facebook.com/32BJSEIU/

To access 12/20 photos click here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/rohapxjo31dve3ut2qtb4/h?rlkey=pflih492t5kctgux34e86odk5&dl=0

Recent press releases:
12/12: https://www.seiu32bj.org/press-release/nyc-commercial-contract-strike-plans/
11/30: https://www.seiu32bj.org/press-release/nyc-council-speaker-commercial-cleaners/
11/28: https://www.seiu32bj.org/press-release/insulting-real-estate-industry-nyc/
11/9: https://www.seiu32bj.org/press-release/nyc-rally-negotiation-launch/

With more than 175,000 members in 12 states, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country. 32BJ SEIU represents over 80,000 building service workers in NYC, including 20,000 commercial office cleaners. 32BJ SEIU members hail from 64 different countries and speak 28 different languages.

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