We applaud the New York City Council and Mayor de Blasio for coming together on a plan that will create more affordable housing that the city’s working families desperately need. We also thank them for finding common ground with labor and housing advocates to reaffirm that progress is made when when a broad spectrum of New Yorkers unite on critical issues. This agreement will help more of the workers who keep our city running continue to live here, raise their kids here and stay here as they get older. We commend Council Members Richards and Greenfield who as chairs of the Zoning and Land Use Committees, respectively, helped bring this deal together and score a win for hard-working New Yorkers. We call on Albany to secure all the other elements needed to make this plan a reality.
32BJ’s Rivera: Rescinding Protections for 500,000 Haitians Tears Apart Families, Workplaces, Communities and Economy
[español abajo] 32BJ OF THE SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, February 24, 2025 FOR MORE INFORMATION: Frank Soults, 860-471-5692, fsoults@seiu32bj.org