SEIU 32BJ Congratulates Toni Harp on Democratic Primary victory for Mayor of New Haven

Frank Soults, 860-471-5692,

SEIU 32BJ Congratulates Toni Harp on Democratic Primary victory for Mayor of New Haven

NEW HAVEN, Conn. The following statement may be attributed to Juan Hernandez, District Leader of 32BJ SEIU Connecticut:

“We offer our congratulations to Toni Harp for her victory in the Democratic Primary tonight.  Her clear victory is a testament to her four years spent building strong coalitions as mayor of New Haven, uniting immigrants, people of color, and working men and women behind her progressive platform. We’re proud to have supported her in the primary and will continue to offer her our strong support in the coming general election in November.”

With more than 163,000 members in 11 states and Washington DC — including 4,500 commercial and residential building cleaners, security personnel, and food service workers throughout Connecticut — 32BJ SEIU is the largest building service workers union in the country.

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