SEIU Hails Pam Iovino Special Election Win

Julie Blust 215-713-6777

SEIU Hails Pam Iovino Special Election Win

In Yet another Victory, PA Voters Issue Stunning Rebuke of Anti-Union Politicians

PITTSBURGH- SEIU today congratulated Pam Iovino on her special election victory. Cleaners, security officers, nurses, social workers, school district employees and other SEIU union members ran a robust campaign in support of Iovino and knocked on thousands of doors in the 37th district.

“Pam Iovino ran on good union jobs, a living wage and affordable health care. Her victory shows that Pennsylvanians are rejecting the decades-long assault on working people and will vote for candidates who support their freedom to join a union,” said Gabe Morgan, President of the SEIU State Council and 32BJ SEIU Vice President. “We’re proud to have Pam in Harrisburg working with Governor Wolf to make sure that every Pennsylvania can afford to live a life with dignity.”

Pam Iovino squared off against D. Raja, a businessperson who supports anti-union policies and has faced $100,000 in fines from the Department of Labor for minimum wage and overtime violations.

“Today’s victory send the message yet again that working people are tired of a rigged system that helps and protects only corporations and the rich,” said Matthew Yarnell, Secretary-Treasurer of the State Council and President of SEIU Healthcare Pennsylvania. “Voters are demanding leaders who will fight alongside us to improve healthcare, protect their rights to build a strong union, and make sure our communities have fair funding for vital programs our families need.”

In crucial races across the country last year, SEIU’s Unions for All campaign knocked on four million doors nationwide, a swath of voters as large as the population of Kentucky. As SEIU member volunteers have millions of conversations they are finding that voters are motivated both by a bold progressive agenda—$15 and a union, affordable healthcare—and by rejecting the politics of division and hate.

Locals affiliated with the SEIU Pennsylvania State Council represent 80,000 members including property service workers, health care workers, public service workers, school employees, and laundry and distribution workers


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