New Jersey Voters Overwhelmingly Back Bipartisan Senate Immigration Bill

New Jersey Voters Overwhelmingly Back Bipartisan Senate Immigration Bill

NEWARK, NJ – A state poll released today shows voters overwhelmingly support the bipartisan immigration reform bill being debated this week in the Senate.

“These poll results simply underscore what New Jerseyans have been telling their elected officials for years,” said Kevin Brown, 32BJ SEIU New Jersey State Director and President of SEIUs New Jersey State Council. “They have been asking for a commonsense solution to the country’s broken immigration system that includes a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.”

The poll, conducted by Harper Polling, was sponsored by the Alliance for Citizenship, Partnership for a New American Economy and Republicans for Immigration Reform, three organizations who represent the broad support for immigration reform from across the political spectrum.

“New Jersey wants immigration policies that welcome families and immigrant professionals to stay in America and help grow the U.S. economy, create jobs and innovate,” said U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez, a member of the bipartisan “Gang of Eight” and a leader in the fight for reform with a path to citizenship. “Comprehensive immigration reform is one of the rare issues that is both good politics and good policy. There is overwhelming bipartisan support for the Senate bill that includes a path to citizenship.”

Both Menendez and Brown will address students at Montclair State University tomorrow on the American Dream Act.

According to the poll, voters in New Jersey support the Gang of Eight bill by large margins. Moreover, the results show that there is a genuine imperative for members of Congress to support the bill as constituents said they are more likely to vote for an elected official who votes for reform.

Highlights of the findings include:

  • 62% of those polled said they strongly or somewhat support bipartisan immigration reform legislation being debated in Washington;
  • 71% of those polled said they strongly or somewhat support a bill that includes a tough but fair path to citizenship;
  •  59% of those polled are more likely to vote for an elected official who supports comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship.
  • 87% of those polled said it was very or somewhat important that the U.S. fix its immigration system this year.
  • Of those polled, 32% identified as Republicans, 44% as Democrats, and 24% as Independents.

Full results of the poll can be found here.

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