McConnell to Essential Frontline Workers: “Let Them Eat Cake,” Your Lives and Sacrifices are not Worth a Penny of Hazard Pay

Julie Blust: 215-713-6777:

McConnell to Essential Frontline Workers: “Let Them Eat Cake,” Your Lives and Sacrifices are not Worth a Penny of Hazard Pay

‘Skinny’ Bill Fattens up Corporations and Starves Low-Wage Workers
New York, NY – The statement below is attributable to 32BJ SEIU President Kyle Bragg on behalf of over 175,000 essential frontline property services workers.
“Trump’s Senate ‘Skinny’ bill denies the lifeline of hazard pay for essential workers, who continue to get sick and die while they carry the weight of the nation’s economy on their backs. By forcing working families to keep running on fumes, while protecting corporations from any accountability for lives lost on their watch, Republicans will reap what they sow in November as essential workers vote because their lives in fact depend on it.”
With over 175,000 members in 11 states, 32BJ SEIU is the nation’s largest property service workers union.

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