Brooklyn Warehouse Owners to Pay Nearly $3 Million in Prevailing Wage Settlement

Amity Paye

Brooklyn Warehouse Owners to Pay Nearly $3 Million in Prevailing Wage Settlement

The following statement can be attributed to Kyle Bragg, president of 32BJ SEIU, the largest property service union in the country.


“Today the Attorney general announced a $2,980,5003 settlement with Brooklyn Warehouse 180 LLC and Mica Gabe Brooklyn LLC for failing to ensure building service workers at 180 Nassau Street were paid the legally required prevailing wage. The prevailing wage is a set of requirements for hourly wages, health and retirement benefits that match the recognized industry norms for building service workers across the city. The settlement is a result of investigations by the Attorney General and City Comptroller of a lawsuit filed by our union 32BJ SEIU on behalf of the workers. 


“This is a huge victory, not only for the hardworking men and women who have kept Brooklyn Warehouse clean, safe and functioning for tenants, but also for the families and communities that rely on them. The back wages will help Brooklyn Warehouse’s concierge, superintendent, doormen, porters and other building service workers get back on their feet after being grossly underpaid. Attorney General Tish James, David Farber in the AG’s Taxpayer Protection Unit, and Bill Hurlock of Muller Law should be thanked for working tirelessly to uphold New York State law on behalf of working people.


“When buildings receive tax abatements in our city, there is a basic expectation that they will follow the law and respect their workers’ rights. We hope this settlement serves as a warning to others in our city who would look to cut costs by undercutting workers’ wages. As building service workers across the state fighting to win expansions of the prevailing wage law, it’s important to hold contractors and building owners accountable to the existing laws that already guarantee some workers the living wages and benefits that they deserve. 



With 175,000 members in in 11 states and Washington D.C., 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service union in the country.

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