32BJ Statement On Passing Of Luis Garden Acosta

Carolina Gonzalez (929) 287-4263 cagonzalez@seiu32bj.org

32BJ Statement On Passing Of Luis Garden Acosta

The following statement can be attributed to Héctor Figueroa, President of 32BJ SEIU:

“We at 32BJ SEIU were deeply saddened to learn of the loss of the great Nuyorican activist Luis Garden Acosta, a tireless, deeply ethical and holistic fighter for Puerto Ricans, Latinos, and for his beloved community of Los Sures, South Williamburg in Brooklyn. Luis lived his principles full tilt every day, from his days as Catholic antiwar organizer and member of the Young Lords, always speaking truth to power. In addition to founding El Puente, a high school and community haven committed to supporting young people and their families to push back violence and strengthen their physical, mental and emotional health, he was instrumental in directing a number of efforts to support and liberate our people. Linking together public health issues, environmental justice and community self-determination, he showed many of us the way to be steadfast and loving in our work for social justice and for a better world. We share our deepest condolences with Luis’ family, and with all those whose lives he touched over decades. Luis, ¡Presente!”

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