32BJ SEIU Statement on Senate Healthcare Bill

32BJ SEIU Statement on Senate Healthcare Bill

The following statement can be attributed to Hector Figueroa President of 32BJ SEIU, the largest property service workers union in the country:


“With this dreadful, shameful, punitive and immoral healthcare bill, Senate Republicans are—once again—teaming up with  an administration of the 1% and for the 1% with a clear goal in mind: to take away healthcare from millions of people, cut taxes to the rich and push an agenda designed to favor the powerful and wealthy over the needs of working families.”


“Con esta terrible, vergonzosa, punitiva e inmoral ley de salud, los republicanos del Senado están-una vez más- uniéndose a una administración del 1% y para 1% con un claro objetivo: quitar la asistencia sanitaria a millones de personas, reducir los impuestos a los ricos y fortalecer una agenda diseñada para favorecer a los poderosos y ricos por encima las necesidades de las familias trabajadoras”.

 With 163,000 members in 11 states and Washington DC, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property services union in the country.





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