32BJ SEIU on Second Impeachment: The Senate Must Convict Now

Julie Blust 215-713-6777 jblust@seiu32bj.org

32BJ SEIU on Second Impeachment: The Senate Must Convict Now

The following statement is attributable to Kyle Bragg, President of 32BJ SEIU, the largest property service workers union in the country:

“We commend the House for taking swift and decisive action. Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy and the safety of our members.

“We represent 175,000 workers, including 20,000 in Washington, D.C. who have watched their city taken under siege by Trump’s white supremacist terrorists. Thanks to Trump, Black and Brown workers who clean and secure our cities have to worry about racially-motivated harassment and violence as they go to and from work. If Donald Trump is not held accountable, we risk the future of our democracy and the country.

“The House acted, now the Senate must do everything in its power to remove Trump now. The Senate must do their duty to protect the American people by convicting him.”

32BJ SEIU sobre segundo Impeachment: El Senado debe ahora dar condena

“Felicitamos a la Casa de Representantes por dar un paso rápido y decisivo. Donald Trump es una amenaza a nuestra democracia y a la seguridad de nuestros miembros.

“Nosotros representamos a 175,000 trabajadores, incluyendo a 20,000 en Washington, D.C. que han visto a su ciudad asediada por los terroristas de supremacía blanca de Trump. Gracias a Trump, los trabajadores negros y marrones que limpian y velan por nuestras ciudades tienen que preocuparse del hostigamiento y la violencia racialmente motivados cuando vayan y vuelvan de sus empleos.

“Si no se le hace responsable a Donald Trump pondremos en riesgo el futuro de nuestra democracia y del país.

“El Senado deberá hacer cuanto esté a su alcance para remover hoy mismo a Trump. Le toca al Senado cumplir con su deber de proteger al pueblo americano y condenarlo.”

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