32BJ SEIU Hails Election of Fulop As A New Chapter In Jersey City History

32BJ SEIU Hails Election of Fulop As A New Chapter In Jersey City History

NEWARK – The election of 32BJ SEIU-backed candidate Steven Fulop as Jersey City’s new mayor represents the city’s embrace of diversity and inclusiveness, 32BJ New Jersey State Director Kevin Brown said today.

“It’s a great day for Jersey City,” Brown said. “As Jersey City faces the challenges of rising income disparity, Steven Fulop’s respect for working families will guide him as we work for a more equitable economy. We are proud to stand with him.”

32BJ members voted to endorse Fulop in January, and committed to a strong campaign of voter outreach on his behalf. In the weeks leading up to Election Day, members canvassed neighborhoods, phonebanked and worked to get out the vote for Fulop.

“I was glad to have a candidate I believed in, and glad to tell my neighbors that Steven Fulop was the best choice to represent working families,” said Mirqueya Lluberes, a 32BJ member who lives in Jersey City.

More than 1,300 32BJ members live in Jersey City.


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