32BJ Endorses Fidler For State Senate

32BJ Endorses Fidler For State Senate

New York, NY– Brooklyn City Councilman Lew Fidler, who is running for the State Senate seat vacated by Carl Kruger, has won the endorsement of 32BJ SEIU, the largest private-sector union in New York. In announcing the endorsement for the March 20th special election, the union committed to a voter outreach campaign, including mailings, door-to-door canvassing, and member mobilization in support of Fidler’s election.

“Councilman Fidler has a record of championing the rights of working people throughout the city,” said Mike Fishman, President of 32BJ. “We are committed to supporting candidates who will make New York a state that works for working people.”

In the four weeks remaining before the election, 32BJ members will be working tirelessly to reach and talk to the 1,515 members in the 27th Senate District about Fidler’s record and the importance of the election.

With 70,000 members in New York State, 32BJ is known for its strength in mobilizing members and voters to support endorsed candidates. In recent years, 32BJ has strengthened its political endorsement program by putting resources toward door-to-door campaigns as well as mailers, phone banking and other independent expenditures to reach voters.

The union’s endorsement process was guided by an extensive screening of candidates by members and by 32BJ’s policy agenda, which emphasizes the creation of good jobs and support for prevailing wage standards and responsible economic development.

With more than 120,000 members in eight states and Washington, D.C., including the 70,000 in New York, 32BJ is the largest private-sector union in the state and the largest property services union in the country.

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