32BJ Endorses Donovan Richards For Queens Borough President

Eliza Bates, 646.285.8491, elizamargarita@gmail.com

32BJ Endorses Donovan Richards For Queens Borough President

NEW YORK, New York —Members of 32BJ SEIU have endorsed Donovan Richards for Queens Borough President. Donovan Richards was first elected to public office to represent City Council in 2013.

The following statement may be attributed to Kyle Bragg, President of 32BJ SEIU:

“In his time on the City Council, Donovan Richards has been a fierce advocate for working people in New York City. He championed and helped to pass the fair work week laws to raise standards and improve jobs for fast food workers.  Richards has tirelessly advocated for airport worker rights, joining 32BJ in the fight for airport jobs with dignity and respect.

“Donovan Richards has also brought thousands of units of affordable housing and good, family-sustaining jobs to his district in South East Queens. In addition, he has been a strong leader in the movement for real criminal justice reforms and has fought to stop the cycle of incarceration that has devastated Black and brown communities in our city.

“Council Member Richards knows firsthand about the struggles 32BJ members and low wage workers in Queens face every day. It is with great pride that we give Donovan Richards our endorsement for Queens Borough President.”

The special election for Queens Borough President is taking place March 24.



With 175,000 members in 11 states and Washington, DC, SEIU 32BJ is the largest building service workers union in the country

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