Member Resources

32BJ Contracts

A contract is a legal document, negotiated between the union and the employers, that outlines workers’ rights and responsibilities on the job and typically needs to be renewed every few years. 

SEIU Perks

Take advantage of all of the benefit programs you find on this website—everything from insurance and credit cards to discounts on travel and everyday items. We’re proud to bring you this assortment of great benefits—at no cost or obligation—just for being an SEIU member!

100% Strong

Your union, 32BJ, is a powerful membership group that delivers a huge advantage to members like you. It’s life-changing. If we don’t stand together in union, we will lose important protections and it will be easier for employers to cut our jobs, our wages and our benefits.

American Dream Fund

At every level of government, 32BJ members have helped elect officials who are committed to standing with workers and our diverse communities. And we have helped pass laws that make life better for working families.

Register to vote in your state or to register early.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you don’t see your question below or you need more information than you find here, call 32BJ at 212-388-3800 to get info, or contact your local union office.

Immigration Resources for 32BJ SEIU Members

Building Strength Magazine

Download the latest copy of the union magazine, Building Strength! Read about our victories, our contracts, new organizing and how our union is growing thanks to the leadership of members like you.

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