Order your Free COVID-19 Test through USPS.com today!

Dear Member

Having access to testing for COVID-19 is an important part of stopping the spread of the virus.

Now, every household in the US can receive FREE at-home COVID-19 tests.

Under the order issued by President Biden, every household in the US is eligible to receive a set of FOUR free at-home COVID-19 tests per residential address by mail. To order, simply go to https://special.usps.com/testkits, and fill out your name and address (if you live in a multi-unit residence, please remember to include your apartment number).

Tests will ship free to you starting in late January.

If you are a 32BJ members whose contract includes prescription benefits, you may be eligible to access additional tests AT NO COST. If you need more information about whether you qualify, call Member Services at (800) 551-3225.

Be sure to take advantage of this FREE offer. Order your tests today!


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