The following statement can be attributed to Héctor Figueroa President of 32BJ, one of the largest union representing immigrant workers in the country:

“Trump’s Muslim ban and the refugee crisis that will follow is the latest example of an administration at war with the facts.

The reality is that immigrants and refugees are actually less likely to be criminals than people born in the U.S. This truly cruel act of political posturing does nothing to keep our country safe and is already turning into a nightmare for numerous Muslim refugees and green card holders who have already been detained at JFK airport and other gateways to our country. Families are being divided, workers won’t be able to return to work, businesses are losing loyal employees and valuable costumers. Students won’t be going back to school.

This is not our country. Our nation is at its best when we fight injustice. As a union 163,000 strong – including tens of thousands of immigrant members from countries all over the world, including people of Muslim faith – we are recommitted to use our collective power in the days and months ahead to fight for a better future for our families, prevent deportations, and protect immigrants, Muslims and refugees. Now, more than ever, we must unite across racial, economic and other lines to fight back against hatred, racism and bigotry.”

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