Local Organizations Join Forces for Progressive Candidates in Upcoming Midterm Elections

Maria Eugenia Lanao | (551) 482- 1381|  mlanao@seiu32bj.org

Local Organizations Join Forces for Progressive Candidates in Upcoming Midterm Elections

The independent coalition will focus on protecting at-risk New Jersey Democratic Congress Members

Photos: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Rqf_1UQNGKGwTAQtWfZ7BRN5VJlYmd-v?usp=share_link

Video: https://www.facebook.com/NJCitizenAction/videos/677598716968629/

 Rahway, New Jersey (October 2022) – New Jersey labor unions, worker organizations, and progressive non-profits came together as an independent coalition to defend progressive Democratic candidates in the upcoming midterm congressional elections. The coalition aims ​ to advance a working-families-first agenda in New Jersey through aggressive traditional and digital grassroots actions. The independent coalition is formed by New Jersey Working Families Party, SEIU 32BJ, NJ Citizen Action, Make the Road Action, CWA,  Latina Civic, Blue Wave, and Clean Water Action.

The coalition works autonomously from the candidates it supports. It is advocating for the incumbent Democratic slate with a special focus on Representatives Tom Malinowski in CD7, Andy Kim in CD3, and Mikie Sherrill in CD11.  In particular, this group will focus on knocking on thousands of doors and making thousands of calls to voters of color and working class voters who are new to Congressman Malinowski’s district. Through direct voter contact, the coalition is highlighting Rep. Malinowski’s voting record in support of working families – he has made healthcare more affordable and lowered prescription drug costs;  created good jobs and improved infrastructure and climate security; and is fighting for families to have federal paid family and sick leave. Malinowski’s challenger, Tom Kean, has failed to deliver for working families on all of these fronts. The coalition’s goal is  to educate voters on the importance of voting, the issues, and the candidates who champion their communities and families. 

Liz Glynn, NJ Citizen Action:

“Congressman Malinowski has been steadfast in his commitment to supporting working families. He has voted yes in Congress on many important policies like the Inflation-Reduction Act, which is going to lower the costs of Rx drugs by allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, capping annual increases, and reducing the price of insulin to only $35 per month for Seniors. Malinowski also supports family caregiving policies such as national paid family leave. Meanwhile his Republican opponent voted in the NJ Legislature against NJ’s paid family leave, which helps thousands of families each year take care of their newborn children or sick family members; no on creating our NJ ACA marketplace, which has led to record enrollment in NJ; and no on limiting surprise medical bills, which protects patients from being price-gouged for their medical care. There’s a stark difference here: Malinowski is the only candidate in CD-7 fighting for families.”

Eric Benson, Clean Water Action:

“Congressman Malinowski has been a champion of tackling climate change from day one, while his opponent has a lengthy history in the New Jersey Legislature of opposing climate measures. The people of the 7th congressional district support clean water, clean air, and a livable climate future for their children and oppose taking our state and our country backwards. As we’ve seen from the effects of Sandy, Ida, and countless unnamed storms, the cost of climate change to property and lives is high. We must elect Tom Malinowski back to Congress to continue fighting for our public health and a livable climate future.”

Jose Salcedo, Make the Road Action New Jersey and first time voter from Linden, NJ: “As a new citizen and voter, I want a leader who will keep immigrant families safe and fight for good jobs. My family and our neighbors in the 7th Congressional District – many of whom are newly naturalized like me – are horrified by MAGA Republicans who attack our very democracy and our rights. I’m proud to support Congressman Malinowski to protect our freedoms.”


April Fitch, SEIU 32BJ: “At SEIU 32BJ, we believe that every election is an opportunity to make the world a more just place.  This election season, we are excited to be part of a coalition that is working to further equity and fairness by supporting progressive candidates with strong track-records of stepping up for working families and communities. In particular, we are fighting hard for Congressman Malinowski in CD-7 who is most in danger of losing his seat. In stark contrast to his opponent, Congressman Malinowski has voted for measures that protect us all by reducing inflation, defending women’s reproductive rights, and fighting for justice at every level. We will do our best to touch every voter, and together we will continue fighting for a better future for all.”

Chris Estevez, New Jersey Political Director, CWA District 1: “At CWA it is our job to fight for and uplift our members and working class people all over the state. This election season we are fighting to ensure that we elect people who share those values. Nowhere is this fight more important than in New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District. Congressman Tom Malinowski is in the fight of his life against an opponent who has not fought for working people in the NJ Legislature and he won’t do it in Congress. We believe people when they show us who they are. Congressman Malinowski has stood on the front lines of the fight to combat inflation by lowering prescription drug costs for families. He has fought to create jobs for working families with his support of the infrastructure bill. He is the right person for the job and CWA is mobilizing our resources and our members to send Congressman Malinowski back to DC in 2023.”

Ari Kamen, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director, Working Families Party: “The stakes in this election couldn’t be higher. Our basic freedoms are under attack right now by a right-wing authoritarian movement. We need champions in Congress who will protect our freedoms, whether it’s the freedom to control our own bodies, exercise our votes and our voices, or stick up for each other on the jobs through unions. We’re getting out the vote for Tom Malinowski and Andy Kim because they understand what’s at stake, and they’re going to fight for a nation where all of us can thrive and be free.”

Members of these organizations have come together across the state to get their candidates elected. They have knocked on thousands of doors, made thousands of phone calls, and reached voters at train stations and through postcards. They are aiming to reach thousands of voters. These efforts stand on taking nothing for granted and aim to touch as many voters as possible. Through hard work and working-families centered policies – Democrats can and will continue to win.


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