Jackson Heights Community Leaders To Hold Jetblues Town Hall

Jackson Heights Community Leaders To Hold Jetblues Town Hall

WHAT: JetBlues Community Town Hall

WHO: NY Senator Peralta, NY City Council Member Daniel Dromm, Rev. Phil Craig of the Greater Springfield Community Church and representatives from the Human Rights Commission will join community members during the town hall. (Speakers will present in both English and Spanish)

WHEN: Monday July 11, 6:00pm

WHERE:  Jewish Community Center of Jackson Heights at 3706 77th St

WHY: JetBlue calls itself New York’s hometown airline, but they hire subcontractors –Roma and Primeflight—that pay poverty wages and provide few if any benefits. Most airport workers live in communities that are near the airport, like Jackson Heights, and more than 50% of all airport workers are forced to rely on public assistance to survive. While JetBlue puts up “I Love NY” ads around the community and receives millions in government subsidies and tax breaks, the airline’s record profits are not allowed to trickle down to the communities around the airport where their subcontracted airport workers live. Community leaders will gather on Monday night to discuss ways to demand that New York’s hometown airline treat New Yorkers and their communities right.


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