Essential Pittsburgh Janitors Draw Inspiration from the Trailblazing Work of Fellow Office Cleaners, Past and Present, as They Gear Up for Contract Campaign Covering 1,100 Office Cleaners 

Essential Pittsburgh Janitors Draw Inspiration from the Trailblazing Work of Fellow Office Cleaners, Past and Present, as They Gear Up for Contract Campaign Covering 1,100 Office Cleaners 


June 16, 2023

Essential Pittsburgh Janitors Draw Inspiration from the Trailblazing Work of Fellow Office Cleaners, Past and Present, as They Gear Up for Contract Campaign Covering 1,100 Office Cleaners 

Pittsburgh office cleaners hosted screening of historic videos from Justice for Janitors Movement and hosted a panel to discuss the sacrifices during the 1985 Pittsburgh strike

Pittsburgh, PA – On Friday, June 16, Pittsburgh office cleaners hosted a retrospective screening of past news coverage and documentary footage of the Justice for Janitors movement that began with the two-year long 1985 Pittsburgh janitor lockout. Following the screening, Mayor Ed Gainey, multiple members of Pittsburgh city council, and multiple state representatives joined 32BJ members for a moderated panel to discuss the sacrifices that Pittsburgh janitors have made, and commemorate national Justice for Janitors Day. 

The panel and film screening served as the launch of the campaign for new labor contracts and to defend labor standards that have lifted hundreds of Pittsburgh families toward the middle class. The current four-year labor agreements, which expire on October 31, cover 1,100 office cleaners in Pittsburgh. The upcoming labor-agreement in the night and beautiful city represents one of several similar 32BJ contracts up and down the east coast covering a total of 70,000.

“Today served as a reminder that we need only look in our own backyard to find labor heroes whose grit, dignity, and every day acts of solidarity forged a path for true justice for janitors in Pittsburgh and beyond,” said Sam Williamson. “Long before ‘social distancing’ and COVID-19 became part of America’s lexicon, these men and women proved that Pittsburgh’s office cleaners were essential to the social fabric and economy of our city. Now, as we prepare to launch our contract campaign covering 1,100 janitors, we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us, not only in Pittsburgh but across this country.”

“Our stories matter, our lives matter, and our work matters, and it always has,” said Luwanna Adams, 32BJ SEIU member, and panelist. “Today, we didn’t just watch a few ‘old’ videos, we reinforced those core truths. Just as importantly, WE, Pittsburgh’s office cleaners, defined OUR narrative. The strength we can draw on from our fellow janitors who did so much to push forward the battle for our collective dignity should not be underestimated. It will prove a vital tool in the coming months as we prepare to fight tooth and nail to win this contract.”

As essential workers, these office cleaners persevered through extraordinary circumstances and put themselves and their families at risk while making it possible for Pittsburgh office buildings to safely re-open as tenants returned to work. 

Now, as Pittsburgh continues to recover, these same workers will play a vital role in keeping the Central Business District clean, safe, and the vibrant economic engine of the region. Recognizing the integral role they play in the Pittsburgh and western PA economies, these 32BJ members are fully committed to winning a contract that improves working conditions and preserves benefits and safe working conditions.

National Justice for Janitors Day

June 15 marks the 33rd anniversary of a day when dozens of janitors were wounded and arrested by baton-wielding police officers during a peaceful rally to improve working conditions and wages in Los Angeles in 1990. Janitors in 33 cities nationwide are participating in commemorative events. 134,000 janitors will bargain contracts over the next two years across the country.


With more than 175,000 members in 12 states, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country.

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