Simon Davis-Cohen

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Eliza M. Bates

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Following HERO Act complaint against Chipotle, workers at four Chipotle stores delivered petitions to form Workplace Safety Committees

NEW YORK, NY – Today, workers at four Chipotle stores delivered petitions to Chipotle managers to initiate the formation of Workplace Safety Committees, as provided by New York’s historic HERO Act of 2021. Chipotle workers will speak out about their working conditions at Chipotle and the health and safety issues that they continue to experience.

Chipotle workers delivered petitiones to Chipotle stores at 501 7th Ave, 620 9th Ave, 906 3rd Ave and 150 E 52nd St.

Earlier this spring, 32BJ SEIU filed a HERO Act complaint on behalf of Chipotle worker Alyssa Roman and her colleagues after Chipotle management ignored their petition to form a Workplace Safety Committee at a Manhattan Chipotle store (269 Amsterdam Ave).

The NY HERO Act outlines a clear-cut process that allows workers to create Workplace Safety Committees. Under the law, private employers who employ at least ten workers must permit employees to establish and administer a joint labor-management workplace safety committee with the right to raise health and safety complaints to which the employer must respond.

32BJ SEIU President Kyle Bragg joins workers in demanding improved workplace safety at Chipotle.


Kyle Bragg, President, 32BJ said: “It’s past time that Chipotle understands the full cost of their shocking disregard for the health and safety of workers in New York. It is a lesson 32BJ and our members are happy to provide. Already, we have reminded this fast food giant it cannot ignore hard-won protections like the NY HERO Act. But we won’t stop our fight until this global corporation shows the New Yorkers who keep Chipotle running the respect they deserve.”

Alyssa Roman, Chipotle worker at 620 9th Ave (formerly 269 Amsterdam Ave) said: “Management is not protecting us, so we’re taking our health and safety into our own hands using the HERO Act. My health and safety as a pregnant mother doesn’t seem to be a priority. They don’t seem to care when I get sick. We demand that Chipotle honor the HERO Act and respect our rights.”

John Larkin, Chipotle worker at 501 7th Ave said: “The conditions at Chipotle are unacceptable. I got burned because they won’t fix the broken tools in the kitchen. My efforts to improve the workplace health and safety for myself and co-workers are not being taken seriously. We deliver this petition to form an employee-employer workplace safety committee, which Chipotle has an obligation to honor. We demand respect and safety and dignity on the job.”



Fast Food Union is fighting to make NYC fast food jobs good, family-sustaining jobs with stable hours and a union voice via 32BJ SEIU, the largest property service workers’ union in the country.

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