After Historic Immigration Vote, 32BJ Ready To Keep The Pressure On Elected Officials

After Historic Immigration Vote, 32BJ Ready To Keep The Pressure On Elected Officials

Hartford, CT— “Last  November, our country spoke loud and clear that we voted and we voted for immigration reform,” said Kurt Westby, 32BJ Vice-president and CT Director. “Today, The US Senate is echoing the country’s sentiment with the passage of a compromise bill that will fix our broken immigration system and help strengthen our economy. It’s time for the House to join the American majority and put together a bill that helps America and looks like America. We’ll be watching.”

The recent Congressional Budget Office analysis gave a strong reason to support the bill, estimating that it would decrease the federal deficit by $175 billion over the next 10-year period. And it would be hugely beneficial for state and local economies. In a 20-year outlook, the CBO estimated that comprehensive immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship would further decrease the federal deficit by an additional $700 billion by 2033.

“We need immigration reform because all people, all families, all children should have the opportunity to develop and to offer the best of themselves,” said Ciro Gutierrez, a 32BJ member and Hartford resident who left Peru looking for better educational opportunities for his children.”


32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country, with more than 125,000 members in eight states and Washington, D.C., including 4,500 in Connecticut. 


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