32BJ SEIU Statement Regarding Mayor Fulop’s Executive Order Calling For A $15 Minimum Wage

32BJ SEIU Statement Regarding Mayor Fulop’s Executive Order Calling For A $15 Minimum Wage

“We commend Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop for following through on his promise to fight for working families by raising the minimum wage to $15 for city employees,” said Kevin Brown, 32BJ Vice President and NJ State Director. By raising the wage through executive order, Fulop is helping to uplift workers, their families and the local economy. And it should serve as proof that elected officials can and should take immediate action to implement a $15 minimum wage so that all hardworking men and women in New Jersey have the financial means they need to put food on the table and give their children a bright future.”

*About 32BJ: With 145,000 members in 11 states–including more than 10,000 in New Jersey–32BJ SEIU is the largest property services union in the country.

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