32BJ SEIU Celebrates Bobby Wilson’s win in Three-Way Race for District 1

Traci C. Benjamin: 215-300-0776; tbenjamin@seiu32bj.org

32BJ SEIU Celebrates Bobby Wilson’s win in Three-Way Race for District 1

Pittsburgh – 32BJ SEIU members applauded Bobby Wilson in his victorious win for Pittsburgh’s District 1 City Council seat. Wilson cruised to victory against challengers, Chris Rosselot and Malcolm Jarrett, to win the seat held by Darlene Harris. 32BJ members – cleaners, security officers, and food service workers – knocked on thousands of doors across the city for endorsed candidates, including Wilson. 32BJ SEIU was one of the earliest and strongest supporters of Wilson in his primary upset against Harris.


With an unprecedented number of attacks on working families and unions in the current administration, 32BJ SEIU endorsed progressive candidates like Wilson, to help more Pennsylvanians join and form unions.


“This is a win for and by the people. I knocked on hundreds of doors and spoke to neighbors across my community to ensure Bobby’s win. Most people I spoke to said they wanted change. Tonight, they got it,” said Nekia Burton, a 32BJ SEIU commercial office cleaner and Wilson supporter. “After working closely with Bobby on this campaign, I truly believe he will work wholeheartedly for fair housing and good jobs for all Pittsburghers.”


“Bobby is from the North side. He truly understands the issues and concerns of the people who live there, and he will fight all Pittsburghers. Bobby will make sure the voices of working people are not only heard, but that they also have a seat at the table for the issues that matter most to them,” said Sam Williamson, 32BJ SEIU Western Pennsylvania District Leader.


With less than one year until the 2020 Presidential Election, 32BJ SEIU members are strengthening their political muscle and gearing up for an aggressive campaign to combat continued attacks from the Trump administration.


“Working people are letting their voices be heard. From the General Motors strike to the Chicago teachers’ strike, to more than 1,500 cleaners who were determined to do what it takes to get a strong contract agreement last month here in Pittsburgh, unions members are not going to sit back and watch worker protections roll away,” said Williamson. “That’s why we are fighting hard in Pittsburgh for progressive candidates who support living wages, better schools, protections for people of color and affordable housing.”


32BJ SEIU’s agenda is not only about defending the rights of union workers. It is a proactive vision that promotes a better and fairer Pennsylvania for all.


Below is a complete list of 32BJ-endorsed candidates for city and county races who also won tonight.


County Executive Rich Fitzgerald


County Controller Chelsa Wagner


City Controller Michael Lamb


Council District 3 Council President Bruce Kraus


Council District 5 Councilman Corey O’Connor


Council District 7 Councilwoman Deborah Gross


Council District 9 Reverend Ricky Burgess


With 175,000 members in eleven states and Washington, D.C., including 22,000 in Pennsylvania, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country.


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