32BJ Condemns Cynical and Inhumane Central American Asylum Deals

Frank Soults, 860-471-5692, fsoults@seiu32bj.org

32BJ Condemns Cynical and Inhumane Central American Asylum Deals

The following statement may be attributed to Kyle Bragg, President 32BJ SEIU:  

“The deals the Trump Administration recently announced to send asylum seekers to El Salvador, Guatemala and now Honduras demonstrate a horrifying disdain for the life and dignity of Latin American migrants. As the Washington Post noted, Honduras is “one of the most violent countries on earth,” and many of its citizens have been forced to leave to protect their safety, as have migrants from El Salvador and Guatemala.

“We are proud to rank among the nation’s largest unions with majority-immigrant membership, and many of our members can personally testify to this nation’s tradition of offering haven to the persecuted. Sending asylum seekers to a third country as a matter of course undermines that tradition. With these cruel and cynical agreements, the administration will only exacerbate international instability and heighten the mortal danger suffered by so many men, women and children. We must do all we can to reverse this immoral course and return to the values of diversity and inclusion that have made our communities, our union and our nation so strong.”


With over 175,000 members in 11 states, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property services union in the country.

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