32BJ Condemns Car Fire at Tufts & Promises Assistance

32BJ Condemns Car Fire at Tufts & Promises Assistance

BOSTON — 32BJ SEIU District 615 strongly condemns the violent actions at Tufts University this morning in which a car was set on fire and a bomb threat was made. The union represents janitorial staff and security officers working at the University through contractors, and also tradespeople and other service employees directly employed with the University.

“The staff and membership of SEIU 32BJ District 615 condemns any sort of violence, destruction of property, or harm to people. The Union was shocked and dismayed to learn of the car fire and bomb threat at Tufts this morning. We pledge our full assistance with any official investigation, in whatever way we can help. “


With more than 145,000 members in 11 states and Washington DC, including nearly 18,000 members in Massachusetts, 32BJ is the largest building service workers union in the country

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