32BJ Condemns Amy Coney Barrett’s Confirmation As Threat to the Rights of all Workers

Frank Soults, 860-471-5692, fsoults@seiu32bj.org

32BJ Condemns Amy Coney Barrett’s Confirmation As Threat to the Rights of all Workers

The following statement may be attributed to Kyle Bragg, President of 32BJ SEIU:

The confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett is a direct threat to the basic rights of almost all Americans. It speaks volumes about President Trump and Senate Republicans that they would rush a nomination through just so that she could decide on a case to undermine the Affordable Care Act, eliminating access to health insurance for tens of millions of Americans in the middle of a pandemic.

Judge Barrett’s previous rulings in support of Trump administration proposals like the “wealth test” for immigrants threatens to dim America’s promise of opportunity and freedom for all newcomers. And in the workplace, her previous decisions favored corporations three times more than workers, threatening the ability of workers to oppose discrimination or to unionize. As millions of Americans are in the process of exercising their democratic rights at the ballot box, President Trump works swiftly to strip our rights away through the court. We must do all we can to promote all these rights through democratic means, and oppose the court’s attempts to limit them in the future.


With over 175,000 members in 11 states and Washington, D.C, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country.

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