32BJ Applauds Additional Funding for Education Programs Towards the 2020 Census in Virginia

Julie Karant: 646-584-9001; jkarant@seiu32bj.org

32BJ Applauds Additional Funding for Education Programs Towards the 2020 Census in Virginia

The following statement is attributable to Jaime Contreras, Vice President of 32BJ SEIU, the largest union representing immigrant workers in the country, including over 5,500 in Northern Virginia:

“We are glad that Governor Northam will ensure that all Virginians are counted, as the census is critical to ensure adequate funding for local schools, health care, and other vital services for families and communities. We encourage the Commonwealth to do everything within its power to ensure a robust, fair and accurate count, allocating more funding if necessary.

As one of the nation’s largest unions with a majority-immigrant membership, we cannot allow our families, friends and neighbors to be erased during the 2020 Census. With this decision, our communities can feel empowered that we count and that we matter. 32BJ has been working together with community partners to encourage people of color and immigrants to respond to the 2020 Census, so that the Census continues to function as an impartial, full, and accurate count of all residents of this nation.”

32BJ believes that participating in the Census is a demonstration of our collective power and has rallied and actively opposed the Trump question and is fighting for funding in all 11 states where the union has members.

With more than 173,000 members in nine states, including 20,000 in the D.C. Metropolitan Area and Baltimore, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country.

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