Fast Food Union

Fast Food Union is fighting to make NYC fast food jobs good, family-sustaining jobs with stable hours and a union voice via 32BJ SEIU, the largest property service workers’ union in the country.

Fast Food Union builds on historic momentum for fast food workers. Ten years ago, NYC fast food workers went on strike, marking the start of the powerful national Fight for $15 movement. Two years ago, NYC fast food workers joined forces with Black Lives Matter in the Strike for Black Lives. Fast Food Union is committed to bringing racial and economic justice to the fast food industry.

We have been working with community partners and elected officials to make fast food jobs good jobs in New York for 10 years and have made huge progress:

$15 Minimum Wage

New York fast food workers fought for and won a $15 minimum wage in New York, in 2016. Through similar minimum wage hikes, 26 million workers across the country have since won over $150 billion in raises. Now we’re fighting for $20 and a union!

Fair Workweek Schedules

A coalition of community partners and elected officials helped pass the 2017 New York City Fair Workweek law, which aims to stabilize fast food workers’ schedules from week to week and provides part-time workers a path to full-time employment.

Fast Food Just Cause

In 2021, Just Cause protections were passed in New York City to prevent employers from arbitrarily firing fast food workers or cutting their hours.

#ChipotleUnion #ChipotleWorkersUnion


Manhattan Office and Union Headquarters
25 West 18th Street
New York, NY 10011
Phone: 212-388-3800


If you are on a layoff and still desire to pay dues to the union, you can do so by mailing a check to the union – 25 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011.  Please note that under the Local 32BJ Constitution, it is necessary for members on layoff who wish to remain in good standing to pay the minimum dues amount ($35) each month. A layoff will be considered a leave of absence under Article X, Section 7.

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