32BJ is taking action to ban New Jersey landlords from using rent-setting algorithms to collude with one another
Let’s pass legislation affirming landlord price-fixing cartels are illegal.
Rent setting algorithms software, now the subject of a high-profile Department of Justice lawsuit and several others, has been widely accused of driving up rents across the state.
Rent-gouging is already illegal, but on-going lawsuits could take years to resolve in court. 32BJ SEIU is supporting A4872/S3699, a bill before the New Jersey Legislature that would clarify that existing antitrust laws explicitly prohibit landlords from using rent-setting algorithms to fix rental prices and drive up rents.
This is a straightforward way to ease the burden of sky-rocketing rents for working and middle-class New Jerseyans, including the essential building service workers 32BJ fights for.
Major New Jersey landlords and property managers have been named defendants in class-action lawsuits, suggesting that use of the software is widespread across the state.
Have you been impacted?
New Jersey building owners Equity Residential, Bozzuto, Brookfield, Greystar and Kushner Real Estate have been named defendants in lawsuits accusing them of using these algorithms. Other landlords may be using them too.
Are you being hit with unaffordable rent increases?
We want to hear from you!
About the bill
This bill (A4872/S3699) would clarify the state’s existing antitrust law and make its application to rental property owners explicit. This would make it harder for landlords to collude to restrict competition and inflate rents. Read the bill here.
Who are we?
32BJ SEIU is a member-driven union representing 185,000 essential building service workers up and down the East Coast, like the concierges and porters who work hard to keep New Jersey buildings safe and clean. We represent 15,000 essential workers in the Garden State.
We are dedicated to raising standards for our workers and ensuring that they share in the prosperous industries they contribute to. We believe workers deserve fair wages, affordable healthcare, and respect on the job. We also believe they should be able to afford to live where they work.
We recently released a white paper that calls for a ban on collusive rent-gouging practices and goes into detail on how Jersey City has been transformed by luxury residential development at the expense of workers and the community. Read it here.
If you are interested in getting updates on this bill and the wider issue, including hearing dates and how to get more involved, enter your details below:
Photo: Praneeth Thalla