Higher Education

Compass: Carnegie Mellon University

8/01/2021 – 8/31/2024

Higher Education

Compass Food Service: University of Pittsburgh

3/01/2022 – 2/28/2025

Higher Education

Parkhurst Food Service: Duquesne University

3/01/2022 – 2/28/2025

Higher Education

University of Pittsburgh Agreement

1/01/2021 – 12/31/2024

Higher Education

Duquesne University

3/01/2022 – 2/28/2025

Higher Education

Carnegie Mellon University

1/01/2024 – 12/31/2027

32BJ Condemns President’s Threat to End Central American Aid and Close Borders

The following statement is attributable to Héctor Figueroa, President of 32BJ SEIU: “President Trump’s patently counterproductive threats to cut off foreign aid to three Central American countries and to close the U.S.-Mexico border can only serve to exacerbate conditions that have forced families to seek asylum in the United States and worsen the humanitarian crisis

32BJ Condemns President’s Threat to End Central American Aid and Close Borders Read More »

City Council Votes Unanimously to Investigate Poverty in the Parking Industry

Councilwoman Parker-Backed Resolution Calls for Hearings to Investigate Poverty Wages and Poor Treatment in the $30 Billion Parking Industry PHILADELHIA –As City Council considers series of bills that aim to reduce Philadelphia’s stubbornly high poverty rate, Council today unanimously passed a resolution to investigate the low-wage parking industry in Philadelphia. The parking industry in Philadelphia

City Council Votes Unanimously to Investigate Poverty in the Parking Industry Read More »

32BJ Applauds Introduction of Federal “Dream and Promise Act”

The following statement may be attributed to Héctor Figueroa, President of 32BJ SEIU:  “As one of the nation’s largest unions representing immigrant workers, we enthusiastically welcome today’s introduction of a House bill that would finally provide relief for over a million DREAMers and recipients of TPS and DED. Most of these immigrants have been living

32BJ Applauds Introduction of Federal “Dream and Promise Act” Read More »

Westchester Legislators and Allies Join Cleaners at Rally Against Unfair Job Loss

Workers rally against cleaning company for cruel behavior toward working families at 1&3 Barker Avenue, White Plains   WHITE PLAINS, N.Y.— At noon, dozens of union members and community allies joined a group of Westchester County Legislators to rally for a group of workers who were suddenly and unfairly displaced from their cleaning jobs at

Westchester Legislators and Allies Join Cleaners at Rally Against Unfair Job Loss Read More »


The following statement may be attributed to Hector Figueroa, President of 32BJ “While we certainly welcome the extension of TPS until January 2020, this minor victory was only won because immigrants and advocates stood up to prevent this Trump administration’s utterly immoral and irrational attempt to turn hundreds of thousands of legal, productive residents into


$15 is on the Horizon for Security Officers at City’s Largest Institutions

Mayor Kenney and Security Officers Celebrate that $15 Prevailing Wage will be implemented at Temple, Penn, Drexel, Hospitals and other Publicly-Subsidized Institutions  Mayor Gives July 1 Deadline for Institutions and their Contractors to Come into Compliance PHILADELPHIA-  Mayor Kenney today announced that starting on July 1, approximately 2,000 security officers will make the $15 an hour required

$15 is on the Horizon for Security Officers at City’s Largest Institutions Read More »

NY Rallies in Support of Gambian Immigrant Under Threat of Deportation

Father to five young US citizen children was detained by immigration authorities while in the process of securing permanent resident status New York – The wife, young children and extended family of a Gambian immigrant who works as a porter in an Upper East Side building asked for his release from immigration detention on Wednesday

NY Rallies in Support of Gambian Immigrant Under Threat of Deportation Read More »

32BJ Denounces Dangerous and Unwarranted State of Emergency Declaration

32BJ Denounces Dangerous and Unwarranted State of Emergency Declaration The following statement may be attributed to Héctor Figueroa, President of 32BJ SEIU: “The President’s declaration of a state of emergency is a dangerous and unprecedented political maneuver that seems from every angle to violate the separation of powers at the core of our Constitution. At

32BJ Denounces Dangerous and Unwarranted State of Emergency Declaration Read More »

Allegheny County CLC on 32BJ SEIU Leader, Sam Williamson’s Appointment as Chair of Urban Redevelopment Authority

The following statement is attributable to Darrin Kelly, President Allegheny Fayette County Central Labor Council: “We congratulate Sam Williamson, the district leader of 32BJ SEIU, on his appointment as URA chair. Appointing a labor leader who represents low-wage workers from all over the city signals how serious the Mayor is about ensuring that Pittsburgh is

Allegheny County CLC on 32BJ SEIU Leader, Sam Williamson’s Appointment as Chair of Urban Redevelopment Authority Read More »

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