Higher Education

Compass: Carnegie Mellon University

8/01/2021 – 8/31/2024

Higher Education

Compass Food Service: University of Pittsburgh

3/01/2022 – 2/28/2025

Higher Education

Parkhurst Food Service: Duquesne University

3/01/2022 – 2/28/2025

Higher Education

University of Pittsburgh Agreement

1/01/2021 – 12/31/2024

Higher Education

Duquesne University

3/01/2022 – 2/28/2025

Higher Education

Carnegie Mellon University

1/01/2024 – 12/31/2027

32BJ SEIU Blasts Trump’s Budget for the Wealthiest 1 Percent

32BJ SEIU today responded to President Trump’s unveiling of his tax plan. ‘Trump’s massive tax breaks for the wealthy and big corporations will be paid for by cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education, and other vital services,” said Héctor Figueroa, President of 32BJ SEIU. “This is not a tax reform plan for middle class families; […]

32BJ SEIU Blasts Trump’s Budget for the Wealthiest 1 Percent Read More »

32BJ SEIU: DHS Plan to Monitor Immigrants’ Social Media, a ‘Big Brother Boondoggle’

The following statement can be attributed to Héctor Figueroa, President of 32BJ SEIU: “DHS’s plan to monitor the social media accounts of immigrants, and their U.S. citizen friends and family, is a new low for an administration defined by anti-immigrant bigotry. The implication that all those born outside the boundaries of this country need to

32BJ SEIU: DHS Plan to Monitor Immigrants’ Social Media, a ‘Big Brother Boondoggle’ Read More »

32BJ SEIU Statement on County Executive Astorino’s Executive Order on Undocumented Immigrants

The following statement may be attributed to John Santos, Vice President of 32BJ SEIU Hudson Valley: “County Executive Astorino’s new Executive Order on undocumented immigrants offers no new protections and just creates a smokescreen to obscure the fact that he vetoed the Immigrant Protection Act, a law that would improve the safety of everyone by

32BJ SEIU Statement on County Executive Astorino’s Executive Order on Undocumented Immigrants Read More »

New Jersey Security Officers Agree on New Four-Year Contract

Newark, N.J. – 32BJ SEIU New Jersey security officers have agreed to a new four-year agreement with the state’s largest security contractors, covering 1,700 security officers. The contract includes fair wage increases; more paid time off that reflects officers’ family needs; and contract language improvements to address workplace issues. In addition from minimums going from

New Jersey Security Officers Agree on New Four-Year Contract Read More »

New Yorkers Demand the White House Extend TPS outside UN General Assembly

New York – New Yorkers affected by Temporary Protected Status, allies and elected officials will rally today to ask the Trump Administration for an extension of the legal permit to live and work in the United States as representatives of countries from around the world meet for the United Nations General Assembly. The Trump Administration

New Yorkers Demand the White House Extend TPS outside UN General Assembly Read More »

32BJ SEIU Condemns Passage of Cruel and Divisive Republican Budget

The following statement may be attributed to Juan Hernandez, District Leader of 32BJ SEIU Connecticut: “Last night the General Assembly failed the entire state of Connecticut by passing a Republican budget that assaults the working and middle classes — as well as all women, the elderly, city dwellers, and college students, among countless others —

32BJ SEIU Condemns Passage of Cruel and Divisive Republican Budget Read More »

Economists, Community and Labor Groups Slam Executive Leggett Memo Say: “No More Delay Tactics, Working Families Need a Strong $15 Minimum Wage Now”

Rockville, MD– A coalition of economists, community and labor groups today condemned Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett over his memo requiring County Council members to follow a set of criteria that would dramatically weaken Council’s $15 minimum wage legislation. The group also demanded that Leggett suspend his attempts to amend an irredeemable study and sign

Economists, Community and Labor Groups Slam Executive Leggett Memo Say: “No More Delay Tactics, Working Families Need a Strong $15 Minimum Wage Now” Read More »

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