
NYC Chipotle Workers
Need A Union

Chipotle workers are fighting for a Fast Food Union with 32BJ SEIU

What's In Your Burrito?

Organizing A Union to Keep Customers and Workers Safe

As workers, we see what really goes on behind the scenes in Chipotle’s kitchens.


Rat Infestations

Multiple Workers Bitten

In 2020, news broke that a Chipotle restaurant in Manhattan had been “besieged” by rats for months! Four employees got bitten! The news went viral as #ChipotleRats.

Foodborne Illness

Higher Risk of Outbreaks

Chipotle’s business model of appealing to a health-conscious consumer base through its use of fresh food prepared on-site may place it at a higher risk of outbreaks of foodborne illness.

Calorie Counts Questioned


In 2017, Chipotle settled a class action lawsuit in California that alleged it was misrepresenting the calorie count of its Chorizo Burrito on its menu.


Cutting Corners

Ineffective Management Programs

NYC workers have reported understaffing, ineffective food safety audits, and management bonus programs that may incentivize cutting corners in the kitchen due to understaffing.


We Want Better Jobs

All over New York, from Amazon warehouses to airports to Starbucks coffee shops, workers are unionizing to make their jobs better. Fast food workers at Chipotle are next!

  • We are parents, seniors who can’t afford retirement and young people working their way through college. 
  • We have been on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic, risking our lives to feed New York. 
  • If Chipotle can pay its CEO over $12,000 an hour, it can afford to pay employees enough to get by!

Chipotle Doesn’t Respect Workers

Chipotle has a long track record of taking advantage of workers and treating them as disposable. Fast Food Union and 32BJ SEIU are standing up with workers.

Wage & Hour Settlements

Chipotle committed up to $23 million in settlement funds in 2021 to employees for alleged wage and hour violations in two national class action lawsuits.

Child Labor

Massachussetts and New Jersey have cited Chipotle for breaking child labor laws, with the MA Attorney General finding more than 13,000 projected violations through audits conducted between 2015 and 2019.

High Turnover

Chipotle’s turnover rate is 194%. That means almost twice as many people left or were fired in 2021 as currently work there.


Unjust Practices

In April 2021, New York City sued Chipotle, alleging 600,000 violations of the Fair Workweek law, seeking $150 million for workers.

You will need to know how many weeks you worked to calculate how much you’re owed. A Chipotle work week starts on a Sunday and counts as a full week even if you only worked a single day within that week.

Record Breaking Food Safety Fine in 2020
$ million
Alleged NYC Fair Workweek Violations
Allegedly Owed to NYC Workers due to Fair Workweek Violations
$ million
Projected MA Child Labor Violations, Cited in 2020

Struggle For Racial Equity

Chipotle says it supports racial justice, but data shows otherwise. A new report shows that their hiring practices disproportionately deny management opportunities to qualified Black applicants. An investigation by the Equal Rights Center uncovered that Chipotle recruiters contacted White applicants regarding significantly more store management job opportunities compared to similarly situated Black applicants.


According to Chipotle’s own data, Black workers represent 19% of hourly workers, 11% of salaried managers, 6% of senior field corporate staff and zero executives in 2020.

Majority Minority

In New York City, there are 70,000+ fast food workers. Nearly 90% are people of color.

No Justice

We demand racial and economic justice. We are organizing a union to secure fair treatment at Chipotle.

Uncovering Discrimination at Chipotle Mexican Grill

Sexual Harassment

We demand that Chipotle take meaningful action to address sexual harassment in the workplace.

#ChipotleUnion #ChipotleWorkersUnion


Manhattan Office and Union Headquarters
25 West 18th Street
New York, NY 10011
Phone: 212-388-3800


If you are on a layoff and still desire to pay dues to the union, you can do so by mailing a check to the union – 25 West 18th Street, New York, NY 10011.  Please note that under the Local 32BJ Constitution, it is necessary for members on layoff who wish to remain in good standing to pay the minimum dues amount ($35) each month. A layoff will be considered a leave of absence under Article X, Section 7.

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