Higher Education

Compass: Carnegie Mellon University

8/01/2021 – 8/31/2024

Higher Education

Compass Food Service: University of Pittsburgh

3/01/2022 – 2/28/2025

Higher Education

Parkhurst Food Service: Duquesne University

3/01/2022 – 2/28/2025

Higher Education

University of Pittsburgh Agreement

1/01/2021 – 12/31/2024

Higher Education

Duquesne University

3/01/2022 – 2/28/2025

Higher Education

Carnegie Mellon University

1/01/2024 – 12/31/2027

32BJ Window Cleaners Thank Training, Rescuers that Saved Them at World Trade Center

FRIDAY NOVEMBER 14, 10 AM — On Wednesday, November 12 New Yorkers watched with bated breath as two window cleaners, 32BJ members Juan Lizama and Juan Lopez, were rescued at One World Trade Center. Both men were safely returned home to their families because they properly followed their training and thanks to a rescue effort […]

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Two Window Cleaners to Speak about Their Rescue at the World Trade Center

WHO: Juan Lizama, Juan Lopez and 32BJ executives who can speak to training and safety programs   WHEN: Friday November 14, 2014. At 10 a.m.   WHAT: A press conference followed by a question and answer session with the two window cleaners who were rescued from One World Trade Center on Wednesday.   WHERE: 32BJ offices at

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Security Officers Cheated $50,000 In Unpaid Health Coverage Stipends Adress Board

Jersey City, NJ— Over 50 Security officers from Hudson County Community College have lost the $2.17 health coverage stipend they previously received under the Hudson County living wage ordinance  —totaling approximately $50,000 in unpaid stipends— since the start of their contract this past August. Security Officers have had enough and will be addressing the board

Security Officers Cheated $50,000 In Unpaid Health Coverage Stipends Adress Board Read More »

BU Workers Ratify New Contract with University

BOSTON, MA – Last night, Boston University property workers voted overwhelmingly in favor of a contract that would provide  10% raises over four years and maintain affordable health care benefits for properties service workers. The contract covers 700 custodians, mailroom operators, groundskeepers and skilled trades workers who maintain and repair nearly 300 buildings throughout the BU campus. “This

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BU Workers Reach a Tentative Agreement with University

BOSTON, MA – 32BJ SEIU and Boston University reached a tentative agreement Thursday night that would provide 10% raises over four years and maintain affordable health care benefits for properties service workers. If ratified by the union members, the contract would cover 700 custodians, mailroom operators, groundskeepers and skilled trades workers who maintain and repair nearly 300 buildings throughout

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