32BJ SEIU Endorses Keith Ellison for DNC Chair

32BJ SEIU Endorses Keith Ellison for DNC Chair

The following statement can be attributed to Héctor Figueroa President of 32BJ SEIU:

“As a union representing 163,000 working Americans, we are proud to endorse Keith Ellison for Democratic National Committee Chair. Representative Ellison is offering an inclusive vision for a Democratic Party ready to channel the energy generated by millions of people across America in support of a country that works for and welcomes all.

“Ellison is the right person to lead a process that starts with rebuilding a Democratic Party committed to a grassroots strategy capable of engaging working-class voters and electing working families democrats. We need a full-time Chair ready to expand the electorate with a fifty state strategy that opens wide the door of the Democratic Party.

“We also endorse Maria Elena Durazo, U.S. Representative Grace Meng and New York Assemblymember Michael Blake for Vice-Chairs of the DNC.

“Given the critical moment we find ourselves in as a nation, the elected leadership of our local has decided to endorse candidates for the DNC Chair and Vice Chairs for the first time ever. We are aware there are many qualified candidates who share our concerns and embrace our values — that alone represents a positive development for a much needed realignment of the Democratic Party with the needs of working families. We wish the Republican Party would also align itself with the majority of Americans instead of being the party of the privileged few. Our country’s political system is in dire need of profound changes to facilitate and encourage the participation of eligible voters in the electoral process. Democrats are by no means the only ones who can contribute to that end but it would greatly benefit working families to have a DNC leadership committed to progressive political change; social, climate and economic justice; and the expansion of our democracy.

“The country is hungry for change: good jobs, healthcare, the opportunity for a better life for our families and a real voice in the decisions that affect us all. Just as we know that the Trump administration and Congress’ extreme agenda won’t bring the change We the People demand, we are convinced that a party committed to serving working families must work harder to connect with all working Americans.

“The time is now for unions, grassroots organizations, civil rights groups and faith leaders to work together in order to advance an unapologetically pro-worker agenda to rebuild our economy from the bottom up and help all working Americans.”

With more than 163,000 members, 32BJ SEIU is the largest property service workers union in the country.

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